- Vast, quiet and peaceful
- Heated pools
- Near a lake
Good to know
Useful information
In addition to these languages spoken at the reception, there is also the Dutch language.
In Lourdes: take the direction of Argelès-Gazost and take the viaduct. On the two-lane road (do not leave it), continue until you reach a roundabout. There, turn right "Argèles-Cauterets". Go to the next roundabout in the town of Argelès. Turn left into "Pierrefitte-Cauterets".
You go straight on (you cross a small roundabout) and you find yourself... at another big roundabout.
At Saint Savin follow Arcizans by Saint Savin. Take the direction of Arcizans by Saint Savin.
In Saint Savin continue to the end of the square and turn right. Follow the signs: Arcizans Avant!
In Arcizans drive through the village in the direction of "Du lac", after the second speed bump, the first entrance on the left. Follow the signs for the direction.